
Showing posts from February, 2019

Freebie for 'Nothing really mattress'


Imma be honest, I judge a book by its cover... AND HERE'S WHY!

When I see an eye-catching book cover it brings me nostalgia. I think back to when I was a kid roaming up and down the aisles of Barnes and Noble looking for a novel that caught my eye. Believe it or not, l il ' Shea was actually an AVID reader when she was younger, haha. I remember diving into complex books at a young age just because I wanted to. This was obviously at a time however before rigorous schedules, IB academics, and just the overall STRESS that accompanies growing up came into play! All a kid had to do (in my case) was play tennis religiously, do homework, and read for fun! The simple life (which I'm sure we all miss)!  Anyways, when I would look for a new book to read I would do the only thing a kid with no smartphone/internet could do which was gauge whether the books would be interesting based off of their covers. I was in fact "judging the books by their covers". I didn't have a list that I could pull up on google stating "top 100 famous n