Practice IOC

I couldn't access vocaroo so I attempted to do a voice memo...

Link to my Practice IOC on google drive (so need Wake Co. login to use/access):

Questions @ bottom of passage:

1. What does this passage reveal about the nature of Lady Macbeth's character at this time?

2. How does the structure of this text help the reader understand the meaning and intended audience?

Rubric pic @ bottom

Overall Score: 22/30

Criterion A: 7
I think I had pretty solid knowledge and understanding, and I even referenced other elements of the play's plot so I think I did pretty good in this area.

Criterion B: 6
I think I had a good understanding of literary techniques and their effects on the readers. I could have, however, expanded more upon the second part and went further in depth with my analysis of their effects.

Criterion C: 5
I think I organized it well according to how Mrs. G taught us and I used my points to come to a cohesive conclusion.

Criterion D: 4
I think my language was fairly coherent with some pauses and bobbles, but other than that I think I used appropriate register and style for the most part.

 These are my planning papers
and the first pic was my annotated passage

IB English Language and Literature HL/SL IOC Assessment Chart
A: Knowledge and understanding of the text or extract
To what extent does the commentary show knowledge and understanding of the text?
Are the comments supported by well-chosen references to the text?
B: Understanding of the use and effects of literary features
To what extent does the commentary show an awareness of how the literary features in the text (for example, structure, technique and style) are used to construct meaning?
To what extent does the commentary show understanding of the effects of literary features?
C: Organization
How well organized is the commentary?
How coherent is the structure?
D: Language
How clear, varied and accurate is the language?
How appropriate is the choice of register and style? (“Register” refers, in this context, to the student’s use of elements such as vocabulary, tone, sentence structure and terminology appropriate to the commentary.)
The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
The commentary shows limited knowledge and little or no understanding of the text; comments are rarely supported by references to the text.
There is little awareness of the use of literary features and little or no illustration of their effects on the reader.
Little organization is apparent; the commentary has little structure.
The language is rarely clear and appropriate, with many errors in grammar and sentence construction and little sense of register and style
The commentary shows superficial knowledge and understanding of the text; comments are occasionally supported by references to the text.
There is some awareness of the use of literary features, with few references illustrating their effects on the reader.
Some organization is apparent; the commentary has some structure.
The language is sometimes clear and appropriate; grammar and sentence construction are generally accurate, although errors and inconsistencies are apparent; register and style are to some extent appropriate to the commentary.
The commentary shows adequate knowledge and understanding of the text; comments are generally supported by references to the text.
There is adequate awareness and illustration of the use of literary features, with understanding of their effects on the reader.
The commentary is adequately organized; the structure is generally coherent.
The language is mostly clear and appropriate, with an adequate degree of accuracy in grammar and sentence construction; the register and style are mostly appropriate to the commentary.
The commentary shows a very good knowledge and understanding of the text; comments are supported by well-chosen references to the text.
There is good awareness and illustration of the use of literary features, with detailed understanding of their effects on the reader.
The commentary is well organized; the structure is mostly coherent.
The language is clear and appropriate, with a good degree of accuracy in grammar and sentence construction; register and style are effective and appropriate to the commentary.
The commentary shows excellent knowledge and understanding of the text; comments are effectively supported by well-chosen references to the text.

There is excellent awareness and illustration of the use of literary features, with very good understanding of their effects on the reader.
The commentary is very effectively organized; the structure is coherent and effective.
The language is very clear and entirely appropriate, with a high degree of accuracy in grammar and sentence construction; the register and style are consistently effective and appropriate to the commentary.


  1. Shea:
    - Good pacing and organization- it's effective for your listener
    - Be sure to give a brief summary of the larger text
    - Include specific references to what you're discussing (more evidence from the passage itself)
    - Keep thinking about WHAT, HOW, and WHY (effect on reader/passage)

    A: 5
    B: 5
    C: 3
    D: 4


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