Day and Night

The Characterization of Mr. Hyde:

From chapter 2: Mr. Utterson stepped out and touched him on the shoulder…, ending with ...he had unlocked the door and disappeared into the house.

In this excerpt, Hyde is described as a creature-like person. In his exchange with Mr. Utterson, he snarls, hisses, and laughs savagely. He also uses sudden, nervous movements that at times startle Utterson. The lawyer describes him as looking frightened at the beginning of their conversation, yet then Mr. Hyde is able to cooly answer any of Mr. Utterson's questions. Mr. Hyde's demeanor is definitely more aggressive and his character definitely acts as if he has something to hide as he fumbles to get inside the lab. His speech is very abrupt and questioning of Utterson. This reveals that maybe Hyde has a side of him that wants to learn more about the outside world, which could either be a good or bad thing. When Mr. Hyde gives Utterson his address to the lab for the will of Dr. Jekyll, this shows that there is an unsaid awareness of each other between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Hyde gets aggressive when anything stuff about Dr. Jekyll comes up so this could show a conflict between the personalities with each other. Hyde also uses "unfitting language with Mr. Utterson, exemplifying his more vulgar/evil side. Even though Dr. Jekyll changes between himself and Mr. Hyde, his kind heart still shows through as we can see when Hyde cracks at moments of weakness.

The Characterization of Dr. Jekyll:

- From chapter 3, where the text starts: To this rule..., ending with This is a matter I thought we had agreed to drop.

In this excerpt, Dr. Jekyll is described as a normal, virtuous man. He is middle-aged and has a pleasant face. Dr. Jekyll is described as warm and affectionate. When speaking to Mr. Utterson, even about visibly uncomfortable topics for him, Jekyll presents himself with couth regardless. This is seen in conversation at the beginning of Utterson's encounter with Jekyll, however, as the questions from Utterson drone on Dr. Jekyll becomes more distressed and his alter ego slightly slips as he speaks more sternly. He is very genuine however when he comes to and speaks more kindly to Utterson and thanks him for his concern but refuses to give further information about Mr. Hyde as he assures him that the situation is being taken care of. Dr. Jekyll is presented as a cunning man with much to hide yet he is good at letting little information surface.

'Dr. Day and Mr. Night'
By: Shea Cirillo

Day (Dr. Jekyll)

A city beckons me, to help those in need
So i concoct my potion, a hopeful mixture indeed

Those who meet me, fall in love
My goodness derives from the holy one up above

To cure the people is the mission for which I am here
This is why my experimental product only my body shall bear

Sunlight is fading, "what's wrong with me?", I should really be getting to dinner
If my colleagues find out about this Dr. Lanyon will surely brand me a sinner

Dark turns to light, Light turns to dark
I change still, but never will my heart

Night (Mr. Hyde)

In the shadows, I cause a fright
The only place they are safe from me is in the light

The street is my playground
They'll search but, I can't be found

You can look for me
But I will seek

Bitter is how you'll find me, I am not sweet
I'm a faceless figure in the street

But even so, as

Dark turns to light, Light turns to dark
I change still, but never will my heart


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